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Company year-end collective lottery activities

Company year-end collective lottery activities

  In order to thank the staff for their hard work for a year, chunda held a year-end collective lottery in the afternoon of February 15th to celebrate the company's brilliant achievements. With festive and auspicious songs, on-site lottery activities let people find everything new and fresh, and in order to "prize, everyone all have a happy year" for the guidelines, the atmosphere is very active, lottery prize this year with the first prize of 300 yuan, the second prize of 200 yuan, third prize of 100 yuan, honorable mention 50 yuan. A total of 4,800 yuan was issued for the activities.

Nanjing Chunda Science & Technology Development Co., Ltd., accredited as Jiangsu Hi-tech Enterprise and Jiangsu Private Science & Technology Enterprise, is specialized in R&D and in the production of a series of new materials for plastic products which are used for electrical wires and cables.
